
Freedom (part 2)

Developing maturity is, at the neurological level, developing an inhibition of the brainstem by the cerebral cortex. In doing so, we notice improvements in the areas of recognition, working memory and the appearance of anxiety of separation. Read more

Starting school at age 7?

We may not think about it too much because here in Quebec, school starts at age 5. It’s like this … it’s like that. Only, is it logical? Is it optimal? Read more

The value of play

It took the toy company Lego to look into the relative value of play in overall children’s development.

Hanne Rasmussen, head of the Lego Foundation, states that pushing children towards numbers and language earlier and earlier means that they miss out on the early play-based learning that helps develop creativity, problem-solving and empathy.

The Lego foundation has been around for 29 years! Its mission is now to challenge the status quo by redefining play and reimagining learning.

Rasmussen grew up in Denmark. She remembers that there was more time to play if only because there were fewer planned activities than there are now.

Lego happens to identify five types of play:

  • Physical;
  • Symbolic;
  • With rules;
  • With objects;

Lego most recently decided to fund research at Cambridge University. The collaboration will lead to a better understanding of play affects learning and wellbeing.

If kids are to begin school at an early age, Rasmussen does not believe that this should exclude the notion of play. Quite the contrary, she believes that both play and content education can be delivered together.

Lego could definitely be on to something. One could think that Piaget, based on his writings, would tend to agree with Lego.

Right brain – Left brain

Since 1865 we have know that the right brain and the left brain are responsible for specific tasks. Read more

The brain as a 3 story house

Is it possible to schematize the brain of children to better understand how they manage emotions? That’s what Daniel Siegel, a neuroscientist, tried to do! Read more

You’ve got the beat?

Is it important if you want to impress your significant other on the dance floor? Absolutely. Could it be relevant in other instances? Based on recent research, it sure seems like it! Read more

L’équilibre, le TDAH et la dépression

La plupart d’entre nous considérons que, face à un problème d’oreille, vous gérez une difficulté à entendre. Read more

Of Shoes and Brains

But how could it be? What are the possible links? Read more

Writing and humanity

Writing has shaped humanity. Only, writing is endangered. What can be the consequences? A report recently published in states important skills that may be lost if you give up writing. Read more

The cerebellum, ADHD and dopamine?

Worldwide, ADHD is seen in approximately 5.29% in the paediatric population and 3.4 % in adults. The disorder is more common in boys than girls. Read more