Entries by Mat Boulé

The brain and primitive reflexes (part 1)

It is not automatic for all health professionals involved in improving the function of the muscular system to check whether primitive reflexes are integrated. Many of them think that if one stands up, it is because these reflexes are, in fact, integrated.

Freedom (part 2)

Developing maturity is, at the neurological level, developing an inhibition of the brainstem by the cerebral cortex. In doing so, we notice improvements in the areas of recognition, working memory and the appearance of anxiety of separation.

Freedom (part 1)

It can be quite easy for us to ask for freedom from our governments, for instance. What if freedom, true freedom, was within us?

Vibration and the gut

Whole-body vibration (WBV) is nothing new. It’s been around since the 1990’s. I’ll admit it: I was not impressed! I am skeptical of passive forms of “exercise”, to say the least.

Can “propricoceptive” training improve stability?

In the literature, the term “proprioception” is actually used quite largely. If it’s true that proprioception refers to one’s ability to recognize itself, it therefore has nothing to do with balance training. In the context of this study as in just about all of the other ones read, here, when we speak of proprioceptive training, […]

Sleep, the evidence-based crowd and the vestibular system

Evidence-based folks love sleep. I get it. Sleep is important. Sleep, if anything, might just be the most under appreciated aspect of health and performance. With that in mind, I find sleep needs to be discussed but, recently, if you listen to some, it seems like sleep can cure all.

Le sommeil, les données probantes et le système vestibulaire

Les praticiens qui basent leur travail sur les données probantes aiment le sommeil. J’ai compris. Le sommeil est important. Le sommeil pourrait bel et bien être l’aspect le plus sous-estimé de la santé et de la performance. Dans cet esprit, je trouve qu’il faut discuter du sommeil, mais récemment, si vous en écoutez certains, il […]