Entries by Mat Boulé

Posture and osteoporosis

Classically, when women are diagnosed with osteoporosis, modifications to their lifestyle are discussed. Classically, when women are diagnosed with osteoporosis, modifications to their lifestyle are discussed. Nutritional changes are often made and specific physical activities can be suggested. How often is posture discussed? I have personally never heard of it. Should it be brought up? […]

Posture, gravity and learning

Children and adults dealing with learning disabilities are often managed regardless of how functional their physical bodies are. Children and adults dealing with learning disabilities are often managed regardless of how functional their physical bodies are. We tend to be brain based in our approach to resolving learning disabilities. In some cases, we resort to […]

Is your posture making you sick?

Patients of mine rarely walk into the office with their main reason for consultation being high blood pressure, for example. But low and behold, could it be that their posture is partially at fault? Do you know how much it costs to stand upright all day? I am not too sure anyone knows. What we […]

Back pain and posture

Too often, I am exposed to theories as to why individuals are suffering with low back pain, especially when it has become chronic. I often hear about specific muscles being inhibited or certain joints being stiff. To me, this is a great example of addressing the issue by looking at the small picture. When looking […]