Emotional Proprioception

If it is true that we recognize the importance of proprioception with respect to movement, we begin to realize that proprioception plays more subtle roles that affect us in a surprising way.

Is it possible to consider that proprioception plays a role in the perception of emotions, whether ours or our understanding of those of others?

And if so, is it possible that proprioception has a role to play in particular conditions such as depression?

When injected into the wrinkles of the forehead or those around the eye, botulinum toxin paralyzes all the facial muscles in a few hours. And if it is true that Botox paralyzes the muscles, it also blocks the release of neurotransmitters involved in the smile.

If, on the other hand, Botox is injected into the lion’s wrinkles (the two vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows), the decrease in morality is much less important. Even after treatment, these women admitted to being in a better mood to know that they could no longer be sullen.

For those who received the treatment of bitterness wrinkles (the wrinkles of the corner of the mouth), it was more difficult to smile and they felt more depressed.

Dr. Lewis states that if it’s true that you smile when you’re happy, you’re happy to smile!

If, then, the muscles have a role to play in our emotions, can we think that it is desirable to balance the tensions between the top and the bottom, the left and the right, the front and the back?

Is it possible that it is for this reason, among others, that some individuals in posturology follow-up note improvements in their mood?

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