Prevention for lower back pain

A meta analysis on prevention for back pain was performed in the JAMA in 2016.

The objective was to investigate the efficiency of interventions for prevention of pain at the level of the lower back.

The literature review identified 6133 studies that were potentially eligible. 23 published reports were utilized, which equates to 30 850 participants that have been studied for this meta analysis.

Globally speaking, the evidence stipulates that exercise alone or exercise combined with education is efficient in preventing lower back pain.

But how ironic is this! What do we do when exercising actually causes specific pain? Do we modify the exercises? We cycle instead of running? I see it that this is what is typically done. Not so sexy…

When one calibrates posture, we can often allow ourselves to revisit activities that have been abandoned by the subject, considering that it is in a state of balance that these activities will be performed.

To calibrate posture is the most efficient way of improving proprioception. As far as I am concerned, it’s the only one that actually makes any sense. Once the body is more sensitive, we can recognize ourselves more easily and it is therefore easier to move in space and time. It is less risky and a lot more fun!

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