The cost of being right… can you afford it?

The cost of being right… There is no doubt that being right can be empowering. That being said, is it actually contributing to our growth? Read more

The Gift

Gifted children are highly sensitive to their environment. They react with heightened emotional and behavioural responses, more than do children of average intelligence. Read more

Visual attention and ADHD

ADHD affects 5% of children and is characterized by impulsiveness, hyperactivity and inattention. ADHD is also associated with abnormalities in the pre frontal cortex, cerebellum and basal ganglia. These areas are all involved in sensorimotor control. Read more

ADHD, owls and humans

It appears to be that if kids with ADHD get distracted, barn owls do not. On that note, researchers at John Hopkins University in Baltimore are studying these birds in order to better understand how attention actually works. Read more